Warning: This is NOT any usual investment OR positive thinking article. Something you may not have heard before.

You may be wondering how question is going to create money? Aren’t we suppose to do something or work in a certain way to create money?

Do you know? Question empowers! Answers Disempowers! Questions open the door to all possibilities. It changes the energy of what you have decided is unchangeable. And invites something new and something greater into your world.

What if everything you’d been taught or learned about money and wealth was out-of-date or incorrect? That has certainly been the experience of many people, even those who thought they were “financially secure,” during these times of great financial change.

Three questions to ask if you desire to generate more money :

  1. What can I be, do, have, generate today that would be bring me money right away?

Be in this question everytime you think of money and see what shows up for you.

  1. What else can I add to my life today that would create too much money in my life and would make everything fun for me?

The choice to cut back immediately introduces limitation and contraction into your universe, which is the opposite of what invites money into your life! It enforces a point of view that scarcity is real.

  1. If I buy you, will you make me money?

Every molecule is willing to contribute to you, if you ask for it. You have to ask the molecules to do what you would like them to do so that they start contributing in your life. Yes it’s that simple.

Would you like to make money with everything you buy? Whenever you buy anything be it, food clothes, furniture or a pen just ask, If I buy you, will you make me money?

Money starts showing up in ways you have never imagined. You can choose to do this question with your investments, jewelries, house whatever you buy. It’s not a linear process, for example you buy a shirt that makes you feel like million dollars after you ask this question, that sense of intrinsic wealth could easily create the impression in others that you have money. That in itself creates more willingness in other people to give you money.

Stay with the above three questions and see what the universe shows you. A question is about inviting possibilities and awareness, not getting answer.

Have your monetary situation explode into something that’s so much fun!