Do you desire more ease in your life?

Do you desire more ease with money?

Do you desire more ease with body?

Do you desire more ease in business?

Would you like the universe to contribute more to you?

All of the above is possible if you choose to start your day, every day, not just few days but every single solitary day of your life from now onwards with the three simple tools mentioned below.

These three simple tools can expand and exponentialize your ability to receive everything you desire and everything you have been asking for and simultaneously invite greater possibilities in life now and in the future.


Verbally Repeat no less than three times- “I allow the abundant universe to provide me with infinite possibilities all designed to encompass and support my growth my awareness and my joyful expression of life.”


ASK EVERYDAY- Universe! please show me something beautiful today! Universe! please show me something magical and miraculous today! And if you  desire more money,ask Universe! please show me how to actualise more money in my life.


Verbally Repeat no less than ten times ALL OF LIFE COMES TO ME WITH EASE, JOY AND GLORY!

Whatever you do to start your day add these three tools and Play with them, not just one day or few days, but every single solitary day and see for yourself what shows up for you. You might get surprised what you are truly capable of. Just saying…..


Saurav R Tiberewaal a qualified graduate and Chartered Financial Analysts by qualification is now a practicing Internationally Certified Access Facilitator, Graphologist, GraphoTherapist and Life Coach. He is also a Bach Flower Remedy Senior Practitioner and a keynote speaker and has been truly empowering people by educating them to know that they know. He has been facilitating Access Consciousness Classes and Private Sessions for more than five years now totally transforming hundreds of lives in his journey of empowering people, so far. He truly loves to do what he is doing. He believes that the source of all possibilities in life is becoming aware of the limitations we have chosen. And today he will share with us a simple tool that has the potency to bring profound changes in all areas of your life, if you choose to use it.