3 Tools to get everything you desire!

3 Tools to get everything you desire!

There are no difficulties in life except what you will not receive. If you’re willing to receive everything, then you can have everything or not, by choice. What you refuse to receive becomes the limitation you cannot overcome. You have to be willing to receive everything and lose everything to get everything you desire. It’s what you are unwilling to receive that determines what you are unable to have in your life. The following are the three tools that can empower you to get everything you desire with ease, if you choose to truly use them.


Emotions eliminate receiving.Every emotion that you define yourself by or use, acts as a roadblock for you to receive everything you desire. How many emotional walls have you used to refuse to receive? Sadness? Anger? Fear? Superiority? Grief? Blame? Guilt? Love? You will create one or the other of these emotions as walls in order to not receive everything you desire.

You can’t change anything you can’t receive.

If it’s just an interesting point of view, you cannot be controlled by it. If it’s,“I don’t like it,” you are the effect of it from there on, forever, amen. The things you like, you will receive with ease. The things you decide and judge that you like, you have no attention on. The things you decide and judge you don’t like, you put a tremendous amount of attention on making sure you have a barrier to that, which means you refuse to receive. The difficulty is, if you decide you don’t like people who do anger, if there is an angry person who wants to give you money, you will refuse to receive from them. It’s your judgments that create you being the effect of any limitation. All of those emotions that you have used to established as the core for the absolute refusal to receive, will you revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate them all?


If you use, “What potency am I avoiding with the impotence I am choosing (in any area of your life)?” or mentally repeat “I be infinite potency”, you will automatically go into trusting you. If you trust you, you’ll get out of your own way and allow yourself to receive everything you desire. Would that be more fun or less fun? Receiving does not occur from logic, as logic can never create possibilities. If you want to get to infinite possibilities and infinite receiving, you must live as the question and not as the conclusion and of course not from your logic.


Think about something you are upset with & let that energy come up, and say “Interesting Point Of View I have this point of view”, 3 – 4 times continuously. Do you feel any lighter? Most probably you will, if not continue saying it few more times until you feel lighter. If you live as, everything is Just An Interesting Point Of View, you get out of your own way in receiving everything you desire. If you’re doing Interesting point of view I have this point of view” then you can trust you and get around mess of emotions that keeps you from getting everything you desire with total ease. If you could notice, there is no density in interesting point of view. There is density in fixed point of view. Truly when you live with Interesting point of view, you start creating your life beyond this reality and get everything you desire.

So, for the next few days whenever you get sad, upset, depressed or sense any emotions or feelings, not only negative but also positive Firstly, mentally say in your head “Emotions eliminate receiving” and ask “What am I refusing to receive here?” Secondly, repeat three to ten times “I be infinite potency” and last but not the least say “Interesting point of view I have this point of view”. Play with these three tools to see what shows up for you.

I hope this article empowers you in living a happy life. And If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Facebook or Twitter and leave a comment below.

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Hello there! My name is Saurav R Tiberewaal and I am a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness. I have been using Access tools that has empowered me in all areas of my life. One of the reasons I love facilitating Access classes and discuss with people about Access tools is, they are very simple and easy to use and brings profound change in all areas of life.

I invite you to explore these Access tools with me that can change everything you always desired to change but could not change it yet. Please know that you are the source for the change you have been seeking in life.
