What is it like to live a life that is totally free? Is it one where you have lots of money, cars and mansions? Is it a life where you have everything you desire at the drop of a hat? Or is it the sense of freedom, the ability to choose, change, and create anything you desire, beyond your wildest dreams?

Sense of Freedom begins when you acknowledge that nothing happens to you and you create everything that shows up in your life- the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it. You are the source, the power and potency to be, do, have, create and generate anything and everything you truly desire. And to create that, you have to choose that which will create the future your desire rather than deciding what is right or wrong.

We are often taught to decide between right and wrong, to judge, discriminate or discern and search for the perfect answer, rather than keep choosing without judging and keep asking what more and different can I choose that would create infinite possibilities?

Every choice you make creates a future. Are you creating a future you would like to have? If not, how do you begin?

Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge that no choice is right or wrong. Every choice creates, so the questions then becomes: what do you truly desire to create?

“If you are willing to never give up on what you desire…you will allow yourself a freedom to create and generate miracles…”

Ask yourself, What do you truly desire to create?

With the question, you begin to get a sense of the energetic direction you would like your life to take. From there, start choosing! You always have the choice. It isn’t about right or wrong.

If you chose without judgment, what could you choose that you have never chosen?

So, make a list of all things you have been doing from last 7 days…all things you have been paying your time, attention and energy too. Everything…like all your feelings, your job, your activities etc. Write them down.

And now go through each point and ask yourself, Do I really desire this?

If you get a yes for something, keep choosing that and if you get a no, ask yourself, What would I like to truly choose here? Or what different can I choose here?

“Remember, our reality is not the reality, our reality is what we pay attention to. Isn’t it?

So what have you been paying attention to?
Is now the time to change that?
What do you think?