When you look at yourself, whom do you see and how do you see you?
Do you see yourself as who you really are, or do you see yourself through  someone else’s eyes?

From the moment we are born, we are as infinite and aware, more as we are now. Because we are in small bodies and do not yet speak Hindi or
English or Swedish or whatever our native language would be, most parents assume we are not aware and are not knowing. Is it? !?

We absorb all the energies around us, including judgments, limitations, and other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions and especially our parent’s. Because we do not yet experience any separation between us and the world around us, we absorb all those fixed points of view as if they are our own.

Most unfortunately, these points of view that we absorb from our parents, family, and those around us also include points of view about our bodies and ourselves. We tend to look at ourselves and our bodies too through our families’ eyes even long after we’re grown, even if the family member whose eyes we’re looking through is no longer even alive.

The funny question here pop’s up, were they able to see the REAL YOU or just through the narrow lens of their projections and points of view?

They did not see you, and they did not get you at all. How many of you are still trying to find yourself through their eyes, rather than going, “They didn’t see me, so what would I like to choose?”

If you continued looking yourself through their eyes, are you really creating the life you desire or are you trying live up to their expectations and judgments?

Right now, just ask yourself and ponder all the judgments you have about you, would you have them if you were born with a different set of people than you are currently with? Would you have the same judgments about you & your body? In this whole game, we tend to do what have seen in our families or just simply mimic our parents/families reality. You might think but I am different I choose differently. Yes, there are people who think differently from their family or society or culture, but have you noticed somewhere around the down line the energetic of your life are similar?

What if without aligning, agreeing or resisting, reacting you could be who you truly are choose for you? Just because you choose for you doesn’t mean you are choosing against someone.

“What would you like to choose and how would you like to create it?”

That’s my question for you my friend. What do you truly desire?

Is it time to end this game? What if you would be willing to look for the infinite being you have always known you were? Forget about your family—are YOU someone who could see YOU? Do you dare?


If you acknowledge these points of view or the judgments you have you are energetic, not something solid. And you can change them with a simple yet potent body process called as Access Bars. Have you heard about it? 32 point on your head, with a gentle touch deleting all the crap, all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, fixed beliefs and allowing you to relax, relive and rejuvenate. FIND OUT MORE HERE