Do you just choose? or Do you just act?

Do you just choose? or Do you just act?

Most people do one or the other. Some do one versus the other. But few do both in harmony with each other. And those few who do both in harmony, create their reality beyond this reality and live the life they really desire, irrespective of whether anybody else has it or not.

Now, you may be pondering, are choosing and action two different things? Yes. It is. Isn’t it?

For example, You may choose to have an abundant life but take no action ever to actualise it. Or You may keep taking actions to have more abundance in life without ever choosing abundance. In both the above cases abundance does not become your reality. That’s how most people function. But if you choose abundance and take actions in harmony with abundance, very soon you will become abundance and live an abundant life. Say What? Really?

Yes! “Choice creates everything in our life but taking action actualises whatever you choose.”

Choosing is more from energy level. Like when you say enough is enough and all of suddenly you start taking different actions and your whole life changes around that. Years ago I did that with my money situation when I had almost nothing and was struggling to have any ease in that area. One fine day I demanded myself that whatever it takes I am changing it. I am not living my life this way anymore. And as a result of that choice I started taking actions that were in harmony with having ease with money. And I found Access Bars where I came to know that my point of view creates my reality and not otherwise. And to change my point of view all i have to do is get my bars run. I did the class and started getting my bars run dynamically and everything started getting easier on me and my body. Now did you notice it all started with choice but if I would not have taken any actions would I live my life the way i do now? I don’t think so. My choice created it but my actions actualised it.

What do you say? Do you just choose? or Do you just Act? or Is now the time to choose and take actions that are in harmony with your choice?

Hope this empowers you!