Do you need motivation? or Do you want facilitation?

Do you need motivation? or Do you want facilitation?

Motivation does not include Facilitation. Facilitation includes all motivation you will ever need and goes beyond.

I believed with motivation, anything is possible. I read so many self help books that was about motivation, attended so many motivational workshops, one after another to get that motivation, thinking that would empower me. I sought motivation most of my life until I came to Access. And it is for the first time here, I heard the word called ‘Facilitation’. Being curious that I always be, I looked up for the meaning of the word facilitation. And I found this-

To facilitate means ‘render easy’ – to restore or bring back … with ease. A facilitator knows that you have all the answers to you and your life, though you may not have access to them. The answers you have locked away are what keeps you from being aware of any other possibilities or creating something different.

Whereas motivation is not the same. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. It’s also about sharing what worked for someone, added with an assumption that it might work for all or many. Isn’t it? Whereas that’s not true. Personally I have met so many people including me who have done tons of motivation classes but nothing changed for us permanently. I always used to ask Why so? Why what works for someone does not work for all? I have been that question for a lengthy part of my life.

Motivation contributed a lot in my life. It took me out of mental agony. But when everybody around seems to be so demotivated, especially your family, you often tend to join them. And then again you are demotivated or you belong to your family once again. 🙂

As I started choosing facilitation I discovered I am changing at the speed of light without any effort on my part. Say what? How does it get any better? Yes that’s true. Because after getting facilitated I was always in question and gave up all conclusions around that specific area of my life, where I got facilitated.

Whereas when I was doing motivation I used to get a different answer or an upgraded answer over and above what I was already having. Sometimes it really hurts to listen to one answer over another. You know. Aren’t you?

One fine day I was being with a friend of mine with whom I was discussing an issue that I was doubtful of whether I can do it or not. And that friend of mine seeing the changes in me and what I have accomplished over few years kept saying- You can do it Saurav. You can do it. You can do it. And I was getting angry on her. I left saying her goodbye. See you later. I thought let’s try facilitation here. And while talking with a facilitator on the same topic and listening to his reply I got more pissed of and mentally did use all types of interesting words you use when you get pissed of.

But you know what, after few days of that facilitation, I realised that I am done with that issue. It changed for me. I was truly grateful.

I remembered what he said to me. He said exactly – “You know what, You are right, You can’t do it.” Imagine someone saying you that when you say, you can’t do something. Do you notice how that changes energy instantaneously. Try that 🙂

Motivation often uses lies, thinking it’s ok if it helps people to feel good. But lies never changes or empowers anyone. Only true does. And that’s why facilitation can never occur from lies. It’s not possible to facilitate with telling a lie.

Now I don’t prefer motivation but instead I seek and ask facilitation at all times whenever I get stuck with something or with someone. By the way, once you learn tools to facilitate, you can always facilitate yourself. And That’s what I do.

What would your life be like If you never get stuck but always get around everything and anyone? What could you facilitate, for you and the world, by being more of you than you’ve ever imagined possible? Will it be more fun or less fun? Did you said more. But do you know you’re not allowed to have fun once you become an adult and not at all if you become responsible for other people around you. Oh! Yes you do know. You live with that. Interesting Choice! 🙂

So really I ask you to ponder

Do you need motivation? or Do you want facilitation? You choose what works for you. But try getting facilitated at least once in your life, wherever you think or have decided you can’t change.