Do you want a happy relationship?

Do you want a happy relationship?

What is your idea of relationship? Is relationship something you do as a substitute for having a life or is it something you choose to expand your life? Most people have former as their point of view than later. What if relationship is about adding somebody to your life that expands you and your life atleast ten times more than you could do without? What if relationship is about contributing dynamically to each other not about limiting or controlling one another? The ideal relationship for you is the one that works for you. And once you choose the relationship that works for you, you can be more happier together than apart. Isn’t it? Check out these three secrets to create a happy relationship, that works for you. Use them and see for yourself what shows up for you. You might be surprised. Just saying..

The first step toward creating anything in your life is by being & living in question. If you are already in a relationship and you desire vibrational compatbility with your partner, ask “What can I be or do different that would allows us to have vibrational compatibility with other with total ease?”

If you are looking for a relationship ask for a partner to show up who is vibrationally compatible with you. When you are vibratonally compatible you support each other to be what you truly are instead of forcing each other to be like one another. Both of you expand in the presence of one another when you are vibrationally compatible. Its like you bio-energetically feed each other to become the greatness that you are. That’s the relationship that goes beyond this reality. When you are vibrational compatible you don’t need each other, instead you enjoy each other whenever you are together.

When you are vibrationally compatible with each other, your tastes, preferences and choices can be totally different from each other, yet there will always be a synergy between both of you. And you receive each other. When you receive each other you are more happier together. Isn’t it?

When you make somebody significant in your life, you have to judge them and you have to judge you with regard to them. When you judge somebody or when you judge you with regard to somebody, that destroys vibrational compatibility and creates a sense of separation. Judgment ceases love. In this reality every relationship has been given a significance and defined in a way that does not allow you to be your true self. Can you be really happy with somebody if you are not being you? I don’t think so. So how do you stop making somebody significant? Just choose! The easiest way I can think of now, don’t call them in your head something that makes them significant, instead think of them as your enjoyable other or insignificant other.

Yes! Destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday. When you destroy and uncreate your relationship everyday, you are actually destroying and uncreating  all judgments, projections, expectation, and separations stuck in your relationship with each other. It is one of the easiest tool to enjoy and have a happy relationship. So if you destroy and uncreate your relationships everyday energetically, it empowers you to go around judgments of each other and perceive the beauty, the gift and the possibilities of the relationship. In simple words you be grateful to have each other.

Gratitude is vital to be happy.

Isn’t it? So every morning after you wake up, ask-

“I destroy& uncreate everything me relationship was yesterday”

And every night before going to sleep, ask –

“I destroy & uncreate everything my relationship was today”

Have fun and create lots of happy relationship.


Saurav R Tiberewaal a qualified graduate and Chartered Financial Analysts by qualification is now a practicing Internationally Certified Access Facilitator, Graphologist, GraphoTherapist and Life Coach. He is also a Bach Flower Remedy Senior Practitioner and a keynote speaker and has been truly empowering people by educating them to know that they know. He has been facilitating Access Consciousness Classes and Private Sessions for more than five years now totally transforming hundreds of lives in his journey of empowering people, so far. He truly loves to do what he is doing. He believes that the source of all possibilities in life is becoming aware of the limitations we have chosen. And today he will share with us a simple tool that has the potency to bring profound changes in all areas of your life, if you choose to use it.