Let go of the Curse!

Let go of the Curse!

Every judgment is a curse against you.

How many of you do not really want to get that the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and the words you say actually create what goes on in your life? Every word creates an energy. Every thought creates an energy. It creates exactly what shows up in your life. 99% of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions do not belong to you. They are a curse against you at all times.
Everytime you think something happened or happening to you, is a curse against you.

Everytime you are told you can’t and you started thinking how and why you can’t is a curse against you.

So basically what is a curse? A curse is something that somebody puts on you as though that negative energy is more powerful and destructive to you than anything else you can do to yourself. It’s a lie that you bought as truth and use it to get energy solidified and locked up in your body and reality, that cuts off your awareness from growing and expanding. And Awareness is the greatest protection you have. Oops!

You have to make curses a truth in order for them to have an effect on you. Sometimes people live their whole life based on curse, without ever realising it. How many curses are you suffering from, that you don’t know you are suffering from, because they happened so many lifetimes ago, that you don’t remember that you were cursed? You become the effect of them every time you run into somebody who was connected to you in that lifetime.

If you look in the mirror in the morning and you judge your body, that’s a self-curse. Every judgment you deliver against you is a self-curse.
What stupidity are you using to create the truth of curse you are choosing? Everything that is will you destroy and uncreate it all? Right and wrong good and bad pod and poc all9 shorts boys and beyonds.*

Some men are cursed with being obsessed with boobs and vaginas. This can happen especially if the family wants to make sure the boy doesn’t not turn out to be gay. It’s a curse because it forces you to eliminate all of your awareness other than that. So if boobs and vaginas are involved, they have to focus their awareness on that, to the exclusion of anything else.
If your family cursed you with being poor, you have to focus on that. If there is money involved in anything, you have to take that family-imposed point of view to the exclusion of everything else.

If your family cursed you with having to have a family, you had to go and create a family to the exclusion of any other awareness you could have about anything else that might be true or possible for you. How many of you have children just because your parents said, “I want grandchildren or How many of you are married just because your parents wanted you to get married?

With anything that is consistently impelled at you, in order to resist and react to it, you have to have aligned and agreed with it. And that’s curse.
What’s the ultimate curse you put on yourself? “I’m just human. I’m just a woman. I’m just a man.” Are you really? or You’re an infinite being.
Curses only work if you believe they’re going to work against you. It may not be this lifetime that you believe that curse is going to happen. But if you believed in another lifetime that the curse was going to happen, it’ll happen this lifetime.

If you are not currently living the life you’d like to have, it is because you have cursed yourself not to have it.
Is now the time to let go of all the curses that is limiting you, your life, your business, your relationships?

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*This is the clearing statement of Access Consciousness. To know more about it check out here — The Clearing Statement