Money follows Joy!

Money follows Joy!

Many of us think that once we have our money situation “handled” then we will be happy. So we work hard with the hopes that someday we’ll be able to enjoy our lives. Trust me, that’s not true my friends! It’s actually the other way around.

I have a question for you all…

Does Money Follows Joy? Or Joy Follows Money?

You must be thinking…. What’s the difference? Let’s find out.

Take the first line. think about “Money Follows Joy” and sense the energy of it. Now say “Joy Follows Money” and sense the energy of it. Which gives you more energy?

You know what, in truth “Money Follows Joy.” If you want to generate and actualise lots of money do what you love and love what you do. Yes! Do What You Love. In doing so you allow yourself to receive everything else you desire with ease.How often you don’t do what you love, thinking that it will not make you money. It will not make you successful. How often do you think this is not something cool to do? In doing so you totally ignore the fact that if you do what you love you will allow yourself to receive the abundance that universe is and that you truly are.

Everything you ask for start showing up with ease when you do what you love to do. – Saurav R Tiberewaal

But why only some people are having that as their life in comparison to the whole world?  Isn’t it because Very few people choose to do what they love to do irrespective of the outcome? And that’s the risk my friend you got to be taking! Do you know why? Because when you really do what you love, you kind of open all the doors of possibilities in your life that will bring everything you desire towards you.

If you choose to enjoy everything you do, money starts following you. What if you start enjoying whatever you do, everything you do?It’s just a choice! Money starts coming to you in ways that you can never think about. And often we think or wait by having this point of view that if I have money then I will enjoy my life. And then I will do what I enjoy. And that never happens. Does that?

So, What would it take for you to enjoy everything you do?

I invite you to ask this question everyday in every situation and see what shows up for you –

And that’s my invitation to all of you! Have fun in everything you do!


*Access Clearing Statement is a potent Access Consciousness tool to change, transform and clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! To know more about it, you can log on to


Saurav R Tiberewaal a qualified graduate and Chartered Financial Analysts by qualification is now a practicing Internationally Certified Access Facilitator, Graphologist, GraphoTherapist and Life Coach. He is also a Bach Flower Remedy Senior Practitioner and a keynote speaker and has been truly empowering people by educating them to know that they know. He has been facilitating Access Consciousness Classes and Private Sessions for more than five years now totally transforming hundreds of lives in his journey of empowering people, so far. He truly loves to do what he is doing. He believes that the source of all possibilities in life is becoming aware of the limitations we have chosen. And today he will share with us a simple tool that has the potency to bring profound changes in all areas of your life, if you choose to use it.