Learning to receive is the greatest thing you can do. The limitation of money, the limitation of sex, the limitation of relationship, the limitation of anything at all in your life, is based on what you are unwilling to receive.

What you are unwilling to receive creates the limitation of what you can have. Let me introduce you to 3 myths about receiving:

1)“Receiving isn’t blocked, it’s refused.” by Gary Douglas.

Everything you have decided that you cannot receive becomes something that you destroy your future with. You have to be willing to receive everything. For example, when someone is being mean to you and you go like “Aaaahhhh I don’t like this, why people are mean to me!” you are refusing to receive the energy that person is being. Isn’t it? Receiving that person wouldn’t mean to hug them or sleep with them. It means irrespective of what the person is choosing to be, it does not diminishes your energy.

Instead when you have such situations & ranting about it, go, I push my barriers down….I push my barriers down….. I push my barriers down…. I push my barriers down!

Does that feel lighter? If you wish you may say it few more times until you sense that space & lightness. For some of you 4-6 times may be enough, for some of you 15-20 times would work.

These barriers are solidified that keeps you in a box and limits your  receiving.

2) If I am getting it means I am receiving

People think receiving is getting money, or getting a relationship, or getting something. No, it’s living joyfully and having ease in your life. A lot of times people ask me, “There are people who have so much money, does that means they must be receiving everything??” No my friend. Receiving does not mean having too much of something. When you live joyfully, you can receive anything, and therefore everything you ask for comes to you. When you get this, you can change everything in your life and have a totally different life.

3) Oh! If I receive it, I would be obligated to give!

Do you receive the sunlight? Do you eat the food that plants provide? DO you enjoy the rivers & mountains? Do you feel obligated to them???

Since childhood we have been taught to always give and give and give and give and then again give and then keep giving….have we ever had any conversations about receiving? We are told that if you get something then have the attitude to give them back, if possible in equal to what they have given. And some people in order to not feel obligated with this whole structure, they don’t allow themselves to receive at all. Phew! Doesn’t that limit us dynamically? It’s an exchange modality we’re stuck in.

What if receiving does not have to be about obligation instead simultaneity of gifting & receiving?

When you gift without expectation, you receive simultaneously and when you receive without seeing it as obligation you are being the gift simultaneously.

Ponder on this!

Would you like to expand your receiving off the charts of this reality? Join me on my current on-going 30 days challenge – RECEIVE MORE! KNOW MORE HERE