10 Commandments – 10 keys to Total Freedom

The 10 Keys to Your Freedom are a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have greater awareness about yourself, your life, this reality and beyond.

What if everything you have as a limitation is something that you have the capacity to unlock?



What if there were 10 simple tools you could use to create the life you’ve always desired? What contribution could you be to a truly conscious world?

Join Gary Douglas and Dain Heer in this unique 10-week teleseries on the 10 Commandments of Access Consciousness – using them, applying them, and what it looks like to truly BE them. These keys are an integral part of the Access Consciousness Foundation class and are a prerequisite to becoming an Access Facilitator.

Thousands of people around the world have used these Ten Keys to get over depression, lack of money, relationship issues, body problems and many other situations that have seemed insurmountable.

What is great about you that you aren’t getting? Are you ready to begin creating the life you’ve always known was possible but haven’t yet achieved.


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