Do you look for easy? Or Do you look for hard? Since childhood most people have been programmed, if something is hard to do, it must be of value and if you achieve it, you’ll be valuable. Really? Is it so? Look around you, does the nature have to work hard in order to grow? Does your body do hard work to grow? Or It grows so effortlessly?!?

With this point of view, that we got to work hard to create our life, most people ignore the simple. Do you desire more ease, joy & glory? Today I would like to share one of my favourite tool, which I came across years ago, and trust me I truly love this tool.

It’s the Access mantra, “All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory!” Saying this 10-20 times in the morning & 10-20 times in the evening, has not only changed my life and people I have shared with, but thousands of people around the world.

It invites more possibilities in your life. It somehow changes the way you receive everything in your life and once you start receiving, your life starts becoming more of what you desire it to be and not the effect of this reality.

For most people, their trauma and drama is more valuable to them than the ease, joy and glory that’s actually possible.

If you’d like your life to be different, start to choose ease. Ease is a sense of space and a refusal to buy everybody else’s problems, pain and suffering. Joy is a lively energy; it’s also got sense of peace to it, and that leads to glory, which is the exuberant expression of abundance.

You’re no longer trying to separate from the bad, you’re no longer trying to separate from the ugly. You’re actually willing to have the good, the bad and the ugly and whatever life shows up — with ease, joy and glory. When you don’t exclude any part of your life, and allow all of life to come to you with ease, joy & glory, every situation becomes a contribution to the expansion of your life and living. It’s like everytime you use the Access mantra “All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory!” you step beyond this reality.

Let’s practice this, think of any situation or any area of life you like to have more ease with, now say the Access mantra 10 times,

“All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory….. All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory….. All of life comes to me with ease, joy & glory….”

Do you feel lighter? A sense of space & peace. That, that my friend will allow more possibilities to show up. Remember,