This Is Your Greatest Gift

This Is Your Greatest Gift

Your awareness is your gold.

You can Use it to get everything you desire.

– Saurav R Tiberewaal

Look around you, as you are reading this blog, Everything that makes your life comfortable, easy and every thing that you are enjoying in your life right now including the device that you are using to read this blog are the gifts from those people who followed their own awareness. Isn’t it?

Awareness is the subtle whisper that universe uses to speak with you, to gift you everything you have been asking for. The more you choose to receive it, the easier and abundant your life becomes. Isn’t that great? 

So would you be interested in discovering what universe is saying to you that it’s not saying to anybody else… if you said yes follow your knowing and become aware of what you know.

So how do you do that? Here are 4 things that you can use to become genius and aware. Trust me they are two sides of the same coin. What do you say?



What you exclude from your life you cannot become aware of, you loose your chance to be totally aware as soon as you do exclusion. And often whatever you exclude from your life you become the effect of it and can never use it to your advantage. Isn’t it? you wish to have total Awareness, you need to choose no- exclusion. Just like the universe- The Good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Say –All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory. That’s the mantra to live from no-exclusion. Do you know functioning from no-exclusion is thousand times easier than you can imagine but it only requires commitment. Commitment to you and everything you know that will create greater possibility for you and others. We do exclusion mostly by the act of thinking. So if you’re thinking you’re excluding. Stop and ask a question, What am I aware of? What is this? What do I do with this? Living in question is the fastest way to total awareness and knowing what you know.

“Question gives you awareness. Whereas when you are thinking you are judging. “



Awareness is your superpower. No matter what, it cannot be taken from you. It’s always there for you when and if you choose it. Say what ?!? I would like to repeat that again, if & when you CHOOSE IT. Even if everything around you is telling your awareness is wrong, you still have your superpower with you to CHOOSE IT. Always remember, it only takes one man’s choice to create the life they desire.



Whenever you see yourself in pain, sad or upset with someone or something, there is some awareness for you, you are refusing. In those moments ask a question instead of making it real. Always ask, “What am I aware of that I am not acknowledging?” And stay with that question. You don’t have to figure out any answer. Remember target is to LIVE in Question, not just ask it once and go back to thinking.



Another benefit of awareness is that it assists us in seeing something that might seem unpleasant but can actually give us freedom. If you’ve decided, (judged) that your partner is a good and wonderful person, can you receive the information that he or she is actually mean? Not at all! When we judge, we cut ourselves off from valuable information that would allow us to move forward from harmful or contractive situations.

“The only real security comes from the willingness to be totally aware.” as wonderfuly said by Gary Dougals who I learned from so much that I know that only being aware and following what I know I can be the gift that would be a contribution to the world.

Hope you enjoyed it. Please know that you know. And if you liked it or you would like to ask some questions around it, you can ask me here