
#1 International Best Seller with conversations about women, men, sex, love, relationships, and becoming a pragmatist of femininity.

onversations about women, men, sex, love, relationships, and becoming a pragmatist of femininity.

What if you lived in a world where everybody was kind to each other? What if you were the one who could assist in creating that?

What if you had a relationship that was loving, caring, and receiving—and not unaware, not hating, and not judging?

Salon des Femmes is based on a series of teleclasses that Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness®, held with a group of powerful women where they held deep conversations on men, women, sex, and creating harmonious, conscious relationships. It blends the ground-breaking Access Consciousness tools and processes, insightful revelations, and heart-warming inspiration.

Gary provides women encouragement and support to have a greater sense of peace with themselves and with others, and “to reach the place where they wouldn’t feel like they have to fight for everything they are getting.”

Salon des Femmes is rich with resources and inspiration for women to “be the gift they are to mankind,” as Douglas describes them. It promises to empower and transform women’s lives.

Price: 2600 INR / 32 USD