What comes up for you when you hear the word business? Are any of the following familiar?

  1. Business is hard, it’s going to take a lot of money and hard work
  2. What if it fails after few months or years?
  3. You have to have a business plan with financial targets and stability
  4. You have to be successful and have a full proof plan
  5. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea
  6. You got to be serious with business.

And it keeps going. Blah Blah Blah!

And most people who are into business, think “oh I don’t do business, why should I think about it, this is not for me”, before you say that and leave, remember, “If you wake up in the morning and have blood running through your veins – you’re in business.” as beautifully said by Simone Milases, author of the book Joy of Business. Say what?!? Yes exactly!

Your life is a business too. People, finances, budgets, communication, yearly plans, etc, aren’t they a part of your life?!? If yes, you may wish to read ahead.

Joy of business is an invitation for a new way of business, where joy is a huge element for creation, productivity, money flows and everyday life of business.

For one moment, ask yourself, do you do business for the joy of it or for creating money??? Mostly people do to create money and they totally neglect the joy of doing & being in the business. And in that process, the whole system of business and their life becomes a trail of hard work.

What if I say, Money follows joy, joy doesn’t follow money. Does that ring a bell? Brings smile on your face? Does that feels lighter, expansive & more spacious?? This is a very simple awareness and a valuable one.

Many of us think that once we have our money situation “handled” then we will be happy, our business will grow then. So we work hard with the hopes that someday we’ll be able to enjoy our lives and our business & will be successful. Trust me, that’s not true my friends! It’s actually the other way around.

One of the core essential thing to grow your business is your ability to receive. It includes your ability to receive everything–the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. You have to be willing to receive money and you have to be willing to receive no money. You have to be willing to receive admiration, appreciation and gifts. You have to be willing to receive information and other people’s points of view. You have to be willing to receive praise and approval and you have to be willing to receive criticism and judgement. You have to be willing to receive your business being successful or your business not being successful. You have to be willing to receive all of it, absolutely all of it, and not be vested in the outcome.

If your business is not as successful as you would like, have a look at your willingness to receive anything and everything and ask,

  1. What am I not willing to receive?
  2. What energy have I been unwilling to receive that would create success beyond what I have ever imagined?

You will receive more when you are being you, since being and receiving go hand in hand. When you’re being you, you are the space in which to put the fun back in business. Are you willing to be the person who is different? The one who has fun with business?

Would that change your business?____________________________________

If you’d like to have fun with your business join me on my upcoming Access Book Club & Exploration “JOY OF BUSINESS” based on the book Joy of Business book by Simone Milases starting from 15th Feb 2021 – 18th Feb 2021 online worldwide. CHECK OUT HERE