What makes you valuable?

What makes you valuable?

Is it something you do? Or Is it something you be? It’s something you choose to BE and thereafter it touches everything you do.

What would your life be like if you choose to be the most valuable person in your own life? Will you have more sense of freedom or will you have less sense of freedom? You will have total sense of freedom!!!

So, What stops you from being valuable?

Often in our desire to become valuable we make ourselves significant and that takes away all the fun from life.

When you become significant in your world then as a result you keep judging you all the time. Whereas when you choose to be most valuable person in your world you choose, that which makes you more joyful, that which adds value to your life and that which is fun for you.

What are you choosing to be? Significant or Valuable? You must be thinking….What’s the difference? Let’s find out. Shall we? Just say yes or no to the questions below-

  1. Do you make sure that everything you do is right and You are not wrong at all?
  2. Do other people’s opinion about you, other people’s thoughts about you seems to be of more importance?
  3. Do you get serious about your life?
  4. Do you think more about what other people are thinking about you or will think about you before you make a choice?
  5. Do you reject what you truly desire to fit into what everybody else desires of you?
  6. Do you hate to loose or fail?

If you said YES to any of the above you are basically choosing to be significant in your life which simply means you have decided you are not valuable and you have to prove your value by doing more than others or what others need require and desire of you. Does that give you any sense of freedom or takes away your sense of freedom? Have you noticed, significance has a lot of solidity to it?

Make you significant and you forget to laugh.

Whereas when you become valuable:

  1. You choose that which makes you joyful or fun for you.
  2. Other people’s judgments are not important but just an Interesting Point of view.
  3. You allow yourself to be the difference and the infinite contribution you truly are and you truly be rather than fitting in everybody else’s world..
  4. And you would laugh more with yourself and everyone and at everything and every situation.

Become the most valuable person in your own life and you would stop making you an emotional basket case and start enjoying yourself more than ever before. The question is… Would you be willing to choose that?

I invite you to ask this question every day and see what shows up for you-

What energy space consciousness and choice can I be to be the most valuable person in my life for all eternity? Right Wrong Good Bad POD POC All9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.*


Access Clearing Statement is a potent Access Consciousness tool to change, transform and clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! To know more about it, you can log on to www.theclearingstatement.com


Hello there! My name is Saurav R Tiberewaal and I am an Access Certified Facilitator, Graphologist and a life coach. I have been using Access tools that has empowered me in all areas of my life. One of the reasons I love facilitating Access classes and discuss with people about Access tools is, they are very simple and easy to use and brings profound change in all areas of life.

I invite you to explore these Access tools with me that can change everything you always desired to change but could not change it yet. Please know that you are the source for the change you have been seeking in life.