When do you? Acknowledge you’re not here to be perfect!

When do you? Acknowledge you’re not here to be perfect!

When I did, my whole life changed without effort. To be perfect was such a burden on me, that I suppressed my imperfections thinking them as wrongness for most of my life. One day I was reading a book by Gary Douglas and he mentioned “Acknowledge You’re not here to be perfect”. I was Really? What are you saying? Then I asked myself what am I here for? I sensed may be just for “Being Me”.

Say What? What does that even mean?

I realized we are just an infinite energy which continuously seek to expand more and more, lifetime after lifetime like everything else in the universe does.

And that expansion cannot happen when you judge you, when you see the wrongness in you, when you believe that you are not perfect and you start looking for perfection by judging you and judging others.

We are an infinite energy that has no form, no structure and has no significance. In our attempt to be perfect we start doing form, structure and significance and as a result we solidify enough to put ourselves in a box and then we are told to think out of the box, while everything around is inviting us to be in the box. What? How do you do with so much polarity? Hats off!

Being Perfect is a lie that keeps you judging you.

Whose lies, what lies and How many lies are you using to judge you?

What if everything that you think or you have been told was wrong about you, is strong about you?

I lived my entire childhood with a bunch of people who mostly saw the wrongness in them and perpetrated it on people around too. No matter what I did, it was never perfect for them. I was always told, “This is not how it is supposed to be done, it could have been better. Learn from people who are better than you.” Really is anyone better than you? or They just are different? You are you and I am I am. Who can decide some one is better than you?

When we grew up with such an environment where judging self is a way of life, we create a belief that the more I judge myself the better I will become and then others won’t judge me. Those who judge will always judge. Those who don’t do not. Its their choice.

When I became an Access Certified Facilitator, I committed to myself that I will not judge myself or others. I knew its not easy, its’s going to be a lot of practice, practice and practice. As I was so committed to be perfect my whole life that everything I did I judged, everything I have or been, I judged. But since I committed myself whenever I found myself judging me I asked-

  • With this how am I strong?
  • Who does this belong to? (As you know most of our judgments we have for our self does not even belong to us. We energetically pick it up from other people around us always desiring to be perfect in everything they do.)
  • What if I am not here to be perfect?
  • What if I am here to be more expansive? More Lighter? More joyful? Than I already am.

Yes, You are not here to be perfect but to expand you and everything you are. I repeat everything. There is nothing wrong with you. You are what you are. Lets stop judging you!

What would your life be like when you don’t judge you? Will it be more easy? fun? lively?

Oh! I forgot you are not supposed to have fun. Forget everything I said. It’s my interesting shit. Don’t laugh. Don’t smile. I see you are smiling.

Can you get serious please? 🙂

I Hope — You Empower You!