Yes that’s right. If you see wrongness in you, you do not allow yourself to receive. Receive everything that will expand your life, receive everything you need, require, and desire, receive everything you have been asking for. If you see wrongness in you or in any situation, you become powerless in face of it. Would that create the life you desire? NO. If you would really like to have the life you truly desire, Never ever buy a WRONGNESS IN YOU!

You must be thinking… How do I do that?

It’s simple and easy! Yes! It is. Just keep reading my friend!

You know what, we are so much entrained to buy the wrongness in us that we think if we make that wrong, right in life, everything will fall in place. Does that work? It never worked for me and I am sure you are agreeing with me on that. Isn’t it? So do you get that buying the wrongness of you is a huge limitation on your way to create the life you really desire.

How do you do that?

Every time you find yourself that you are buying a wrongness of you or you are looking at your life and finding the wrongness in it…Stop and Ask…

What Is Right About Me I Am Not Getting At? Did you hear that? Yes! Did you feel lighter? Do you feel more energy or less energy? I am sure if you did say it, you would feel lighter and better, by now. If you didn’t I request you to go above and do it once. And find out what shows up for you.

Okay! Let’s try once again in a different way.

Think of any situation where you find yourself stuck and you are seeing the wrongness in that, Stop and ask…

What Is Right About This Situation I Am Not Getting At? Ask it few times till that energy changes…. If you wish you can add Access clearing statement here, which I would strongly recommend as it will exponentialise the whole process. It is said as – Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 Shorts Boys And Beyonds*

What Is Right About Me I Am Not Getting At? Right Wrong Good Bad Pod Poc All 9 Shorts Boys And Beyonds. If you allow yourself to be in this question, you will start perceiving different choices to create different possibilities and as if by magic, you will see that how the same situation is now becoming a contribution to your life, living and reality.

The whole idea is NEVER BUY A WRONGNESS OF YOU. NEVER BUY A WRONGNESS IN ANYTHING, because that stops you from receiving. This tool is so simple and very profound. Sometimes you have to ask once and sometimes you have to ask many times. But keep asking it until that feeling, that intensity that you have when you see the wrongness in you and everything feels like not working for you starts diminishing and you feel expansive.

I invite you to play with this tool, for coming one week and see what shows up for you.


Access Clearing Statement is a potent Access Consciousness tool to change, transform and clear the hidden stuff that you aren’t even aware of that is keeping you stuck! To know more about it, you can log on to


Hello there! My name is Saurav R Tiberewaal and I am an Access Certified Facilitator, Graphologist and a life coach. I have been using Access tools that has empowered me in all areas of my life. One of the reasons I love facilitating Access classes and discuss with people about Access tools is, they are very simple and easy to use and brings profound change in all areas of life.

I invite you to explore these Access tools with me that can change everything you always desired to change but could not change it yet. Please know that you are the source for the change you have been seeking in life.