You can change anything, if you get this!

You can change anything, if you get this!

Have you ever heard?

You are the creator of your life!

Or You are the universe!

Or You are made in the image of God!

Or As above, so below!

Or As within, so without.

I am sure, you must have heard atleast anyone of them. Isn’t it? Are all of the above statements just a philosophy? Or are they pointing toward something that can allow you to change anything , get anything you desire with ease? Really, Let’s discover!

In my opinion all of the above statements are indicating one thing in common and that is – “Your points of view create your reality, your reality does not create your points of view” pragmatically said by Gary Douglas. In simple words, it means to change anything in your life, you got to change your points of view about it and once you do that, your reality will change as if by magic.

So, How do you actually create your points of view?

Everytime you align & agree with or resist or react to something or someone or any situations, you buy all the points of view involved in it.

How does that look in real life? Well, if your friend says to you, “There’s just not enough money in the world.” If you align or agree with it you go, “Yes, you are right,” you make that a solidity in his life and your own. If you resist it, you think, “This guy wants money from me,” and you make it a solidity, in his life and your own. If you react to it, you say, “Well, I have plenty of money in my life, I don’t know what is wrong with you,” or you say, “That’s not the way it’s going to be for me,” and you have bought it, you have paid for it and taken it home in a bag and you have made it solidity for yourself. And bingo all of it becomes your points of view too. Say what? Yes! These points of view then become the foundation of what you think and what you say.

So, to change anything with ease, you got to acknowledge – “You are creating everything in your life with your points of view. Once you acknowledge this, ask What am I saying or thinking that is creating this? And trust me, right there the change that you have been looking for, will begin.

Do you know? Our universe is such that the moment you ask a question it gifts you the awareness of what you are asking for and if you are willing to receive that, you can change anything with total ease. So look around, look around your life, look around everything that you would like to change and ask-

What am I saying or thinking that is creating this?

Or What point of view do I have that is creating this? Everything that is  I now destroy & uncreate it all? Right Wrong Good Bad POD POC All9 Shorts Boys & Beyonds.*

Its easy and simple but truly profound!!!! Play with this and see what shows up for you.

Right Wrong good bad pod poc all9 shorts boys & beyonds.* is an Access Clearing Statement. Whenever you ask question and use the clearing statement, it clears up all the stuck & negative energies holding that limitation in place.


Saurav R Tiberewaal a qualified graduate and Chartered Financial Analysts by qualification is now a practicing Internationally Certified Access Facilitator, Graphologist, GraphoTherapist and Life Coach. He is also a Bach Flower Remedy Senior Practitioner and a keynote speaker and has been truly empowering people by educating them to know that they know. He has been facilitating Access Consciousness Classes and Private Sessions for more than five years now totally transforming hundreds of lives in his journey of empowering people, so far. He truly loves to do what he is doing. He believes that the source of all possibilities in life is becoming aware of the limitations we have chosen. And today he will share with us a simple tool that has the potency to bring profound changes in all areas of your life, if you choose to use it.