YOUR SECRETS – Do they protect you? or Do they limit you?

YOUR SECRETS – Do they protect you? or Do they limit you?

What’s a secret? Secrets are, When you go “I don’t want anybody to know this.” What you make secret today becomes tomorrow’s lie. You have to defend with lies, the secrets you create. And lies that you tell to yourself (not others) burdens you, limits you and stops you from receiving what you truly desire to have. Say what? Yes. Absolutely.

Did you notice? When you use to hide something from your parents in your childhood, they could easily sense it. Because whenever you have a secret, you put a little sign over your head that goes, “Secret here! Secret here! Secret here!” And, people try to find out what the secret is.

If you keep secrets people would find it difficult to be with you, talk with you and above all trust you. Would that be fun? I hope you shout out loud saying NOOOOOOO! Because I did, when I came to know, how each secret limits us in creating a wonderful, amazing and an awesome life. And I also realised while growing up, how any small or big thing in my life would become a secret and I started hiding, shying, like an introvert. Oh! That’s how we become an introvert? Really?

How many of you were told that you had to be quiet about money? It was a giant taboo. You had to be secret about every ounce of money. Who have more secrets about money? Millionaires? Billionaires? or Middle class?

How many secrets about money do you have that keep you from creating and generating a whole lot more money in your life?

Do secrets expands your energy? or You need to contract yourself enough to keep a secret. You have to contract, which reduces your energy level. And how can your life and business expand when you contract? Interesting? Isn’t it?

Now, am I asking you to go out and tell all your secrets to others or post it on FB or Instagram. Absolutely not. Than what am I trying to say? Don’t have anything as secret. Say what? Can you do that without saying it to others. Yes! Absolutely, you can. But how? Now that’s a skill to learn. Don’t worry I will show you how to do it. You don’t have to come to my Access classes for that but yes if you choose to come you can learn some really cool, life changing stuff and it will also be too much fun. Because I really enjoy every moment of my classes and so do people who join us.

So, If you really don’t want somebody to know something you’re doing, make it infinite, bigger than the universe, and then they won’t notice. When you do secret, the sign goes over your head, and everyone tries to find out what the secret is, but if you just make it infinite, you can get away with anything.

How do you do that? Just think of something you have as a secret. And mentally ask I make this energy infinite, bigger than the universe, as big as me (not the size of your body) and you are free from it. You don’t have to contract any more. How does it get any better than this?

And from now on don’t keep secrets because then you have to lie to add to the lie in order to keep the lie that keeps the lie keeping the lie that’s existing. If you do that, it takes a tremendous amount of energy and a tremendous amount of force against your own body to do that. Say what?

Tell everything. Be SECRET FREE!